WOA Successfully Lobbies for Change

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WOA Successfully Lobbies for Change

It is fortunate that WOA is well represented on the AAOS Board of Councilors (BOC). The BOC serves many functions—one of which is lobbying Congress on behalf of fellow orthopaedists. Bryan Moon (Texas) is doing a great job as the official BOC WOA Representative. Several WOA Board Members have served and others currently serve in the capacity of BOC state representatives.

Their work is of crucial importance to all WOA members for many reasons. For example, one focus of recent lobbying efforts accomplished by the BOC and other medical groups has been to educate members of Congress about the problems associated with the required reporting to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) that all surgeons would have to comply with beginning January, 2017. As a result of the efforts of many, CMS announced that there will not be such onerous requirements on all surgeons after all. A summary of what was and what will be is available here. Note that surgeons in only 2 of the 14 WOA represented states will be required to report.

Bob Slater, MD
[email protected]

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