WOA Initiates Blair Filler MD Lifetime Achievement Award

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WOA Initiates Blair Filler MD Lifetime Achievement Award

The Western Orthopaedic Association’s Blair Filler, MD Lifetime Achievement Award will be initiated at our annual meeting in Indian Wells, California on September 30th. The award celebrates a lifetime of achievement for Dr. Filler and his wife Dodie, who will be present for a special presentation during the Friday Gala Dinner.

Dr. Blair Filler epitomizes the highest ideals of professionalism through tireless commitment and longstanding leadership and service within local, regional, and national orthopaedic organizations, including the AAOS and WOA. It has been quoted that Dr. Filler never joined an organization that he did not tremendously improve.

In the future, the Board of Directors may bestow this commemorative award to those individuals who most closely emulate Dr. Filler’s efforts to promote service, education, and professional relationships. Members may nominate other WOA members for this award by submitting applications by the end of each calendar year. One award may be given annually at the annual meeting. The Board of Directors will consider all nominations at their mid-year interim board meeting.  Those nominees not selected may be reconsidered the following year.

Brian Jewett, MD
[email protected]

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